Important Links of Hampi

Important Links of Hampi

Kamalapur Links
Representation of the government details, Elected Representatives with their names , designation, address, contact number and photo is available
This gives the administration proceedings in Kamalapur, like the meeting date, and information regarding the meeting
This site gives the budget information of Kamalapur, Hampi, the amount released and used by the town and villages

This site gives a complete travel guide to Hampi, from Kamalapur, and places to visit, culture of hampi, Festival of Hampi, Accomodation in Hampi, food Habits in Hampi, Sloth Bear Sanctury of Hampi and many more.
In this website one can download all government related forms like property tax, building license, trade License, Water Supply Connection, Birth and Death Certificate
This site gives details of Directorate of Municipal Administration, where you get details of different sections like administration, development, engineering, finance, solid waste management, online applications and corporation.

Bellary District links
Official site of Bellary District of which Hampi is part, It gives Hampi Master plan and election details.
This website gives information of South Western railway, where one can book train tickets, check status, train information, train schedule and more
This website gives major information on Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, where buses are searched and tickets are booked and schedule is noted
This gives information of the hospitals in kamalapur town
This website gives full details of hospitals in the Bellary District where hampi is part of . It gives the Doctor name , address and a map to show the location
This website gives details of all hotels and resorts in Bellary District , It gives the address, and the maps for location.
This site gives the entire post offices in Bellary District , It gives Name of the Post offices, Contact Person,  Address, Phone numbers , Email Id
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